
Käyntejä kotisivuilla:285319 kpl

About us


We are married couple Veijo and Sirpa Tirkkonen. We live in Northern Savonia, in Juankoski about 60 km from Kuopio and about 100 km from Joensuu. Our house is located on a scenic place, quite near the centre of Juankoski, by the waterway of Tahko. Our kennel has very cosy conditions and all of our Goldens are our family members. There are wonderful terrains for going for a safe walk with dogs and in the summer there are great swimming places because we live near to water.

We both have got our first touch especially to dogs and also other pets at our childhood homes. We dreamed our first dog already at the end of century, but our children were small then and we desided to wait for a while.

While we consider what would be the right breed for us we visited to shows and gathered information and also met breeders. The Golden Retriever was a crush for both of us and that's how it began.

Our first Golden Retriever, a male came to us in year 2003. Our spark for shows was already woken, so we started to particicape shows as soon as our first Golden was old enough for the shows. Shows as a hobby swep us along more and more when we got more dogs with the years.

Our desire to breed this wonderful breed also woke already in year 2008. Step by step a dream became true. We already had five male dog when our first bitch came to us at the beginning of year 2011 from Karvin kennel, Tampere. Also second and third bitch came to us in short time from Karvin kennel.

At the beginning of year 2011 we both particicaped the basic course of the breeders and in the same year Veijo also completed the advanced course. We both have particicaped a course for beginners in qualifying in field (NOU1). Our kennelname, Coolmaster we got 2011.


In addition of shows we also want to train our dogs so, that they have opportunity to qualify in field (NOU1). Qualifying in field is needed for the title of champion and attendance to field trials (NOME).

In our breeding we only use health examinated dogs, whose health examination results show that they can be used in breeding. Also dog´s character, conformation and appearance are important issues and have an effect on our breeding choises. Our goal is to breed healthy dogs with fine character, fine conformation and fine appearence. They also should have good instincts and training qualities. Golden retriever is suitable for hunting but also good fellow for many other hobbies. And not to forget the most important "work" as a friend and a jogging buddy.

We hope that you will visit to our homepage often. We want to share our greetings, news and events with you through these pages.

                                                                  Veijo & Sirpa